Friday, May 7, 2010

Things Canadians hate:

Well, just one thing, actually. And we've heard about it before, but it's never happened to us. Now we know it to be fact. See, we were celebrating our Ginger friend's last day with us by going to a really rad restaurant (hooray, alliteration!) in Canada. It was a very nice place. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Aside from the water being a bit salty (well...maybe that was just one of us), the food was amazing, the service was great, and the atmosphere was very homey, and when we feel at home, we naturally act like ourselves. Which, apparently, is not a very proper thing in some places. We were laughing very loudly, and we were actually (apparently) so loud, that we annoyed a couple near us enough to make them pick up their junk and leave. All they'd gotten was water.
Now, comparatively to how we normally are, we were actually being very quiet. We were rather shocked and even embarrassed, and we did our best to keep our laughter to a lower level. It was quite difficult.

So...Canadians hate loud people.

The more you know...

Monday, February 8, 2010


So the collections officer and a friend went to a wonderful little restaurant to pick up a pizza on Sunday, february 7th. When they got there, they both noticed the place was packed, as many other people wanted pizzas on Sunday, february 7th. The collections officer said, in front of the other people in the restaurant, "Hey, maybe there's a sports game on tonight!" His friend thought he was joking at first, but the serious look on his face forced his friend to whisper to him frantically, "(Name omitted for his protection), the superbowl!" To which he exclaimed, "Oooohhhh." A man watching them who probably works with the local news agency stared at our collections officer. I'm sure you can imagine THAT facial expression!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Colour and Casm

Well, we had a dyeing party. Sales operator and unemployed student did most of the dyeing. 4 heads in 6 hours. What? We had to take a 2 hour break in between! Anyways, we came out with 4 different hair colours.
The physical therapist got a red chunk in the front. The unemployed student got magenta streaks. Our friend the realtor got 1 shade past his normal colour, to even things up a bit. Last, but certainly not least, the nurse went blonde. Hopefully it doesn't affect her work! Theatre worker and sales operator already had it done so they stayed with their current dos.
In other news, to the shock of the group, we found out that collections agent doesn't get sarcasm as much as we thought. The sensitive material was divulged to a car of sarcastic blogmates, which thence forth started to hold up invisible "sarcasm" signs whenever it was used. We quickly ditched those for crazy straws; because they're a little more durable and portable than carrying around 9x5 poster board signs. Also, because they make about 100 different awesome sounds.